Søren's 40-years' birthday fund-raising for women's education

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Søren Søgaard
18. september 2024
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Søren's 40-years' birthday fund-raising for women's education

I have started a fundraising with the aim of collecting DKK 1,500 so that a girl can get a school grant for a whole year of schooling. It may seem like a small effort, but for those who receive this help, it makes a life-changing difference. In fact, a girl's lifetime earnings increase by up to 20% for every year she attends school! I hope you will donate to this important cause. Any contribution, big or small, will make a difference. Let's show together how much we can achieve when we stand together to help those in need. On an ongoing basis, I will give updates on how the collection is going and how your donations are being used to make a positive difference in people's lives.
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50 kr.

Søren Søgaard gav 50 kr.

Seneste aktivitet

  • Oliver fra PlanBørnefonden PlanBørnefonden
    Kære Søren.

    Tusind tak fordi, at du vil bruge din fødselsdag til at samle ind til et skolelegat til en pige. Skolegang gør en altafgørende forskel i børns liv - især for pigerne. Fordi for hvert år en pige går i skole, stiger hendes livsindkomst med op til 20%.

    Endnu en gang tak for dit initiativ!

    De bedste hilsner,
  • Søren Søgaard Søren Søgaard gav 50 kr.